Incense Blends for Banishing, Exorcism and Purification

All the following incenses work on the principle that certain energies need to be banished for the practitioner to work effectively. The creation of peace, purification of the area, and, of course, exorcism of unwanted spirits all come under this heading. Do think very carefully about what you wish to achieve before deciding which incense is right for your purpose. Suggestions are given here or the purpose is indicated in the title.

It is always possible to make substitutions in the ingredients. They can all be mixed and matched ad infinitum, though you may have to experiment with the quantities until the incense ‘feels’ right (or until it smells right).

■ Banishing and Exorcism

Banishing Incense
1 part bay leaves
2 parts cinnamon
1 part rose petals
2 parts myrrh resin
pinch of salt

Clearing Incense
1 part frankincense resin
1 part copal resin
1 part myrrh resin
1/2 part sandalwood
Burn this with the windows open.

Exorcism Incense
3 parts frankincense resin
1 part rosemary
1 part bay leaves
1 part avens
1 part mugwort
1 part St John’s Wort
1 part angelica
1 part basil
Burn this incense with the windows open to drive out very heavy spiritual negativity from your surroundings.

Ending Negativity Incense
1 part marjoram
1 part thyme
1/2 part oregano
1/4 part bay leaves
1/4 part cloves

Jinx-removing Incense
2 parts clove
1 part deer tongue
A few drops of rose geranium oil
This incense can be used when you think someone is against you.

Uncrossing Incense
2 parts lavender
1 part rose
2 parts bay
1 part verbena
Use this incense when you feel you or your home has been ‘cursed’ or you are under attack.

■ Purification

Purification Incense 1
2 parts sandalwood
1 part cinnamon
2 parts bay
1 part vervain
pinch of salt
Burn this incense with the windows open to clear a disturbed home after an argument, for instance.

Purification Incense 2
2 parts sandalwood
1 part cinnamon
Leave the windows open to clear the atmosphere quickly.

Purification Incense 3
3 parts frankincense resin
2 parts dragon’s blood resin
1 part myrrh resin
1 part sandalwood
1 part wood betony
1/2 part dill seed
A few drops of rose geranium oil
This is good for clearing your new home of old energies.

Domestic Tranquillity Incense
3/4 part sage
1/4 part rue
1/2 part ground ivy
A few drops of bayberry oil
1/4 part bayberry
11/4 parts linden (lime)

Hearth and Home Incense
2 parts dragon’s blood resin
1/2 part juniper
1/2 part sassafrass
1/2 part orange flowers
2 parts myrrh resin
1/2 part rose petals
This incense should be burnt when you wish to create a safe, warm, loving home.

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