Master the Spell of Winning a Deal: Proven Strategies for Success

This spell, in addition to the significance of the rune, also uses candle and color magic. It is probably best done at the time of the Full Moon if the deal is a merger or acquisition, or at the time of the New Moon if it initiates new projects or implements new ideas. Thursday is also a good day, being one to maximize opportunities. Because you are using woods and plants in the incense, and so will create a fair amount of smoke, it is better to do the spell away from the office unless you can be undisturbed.

For success incense:

1 part each of basil, bay, and oak

2 parts cedarwood

Bowl to mix incense

White candle

Your burin or a pin

Your copy of the papers necessary for the successful deal

✤ While you mix your incense, bear in mind the outcome you require. You might appeal to
Thor (the strongest of the Norse gods) at the same time.

✤ Using the burin or pin, inscribe
your candle with Ehwaz, the rune for success in partnership.

✤ Light your candle and the
incense. Sit for a few moments then hold the legal papers in the smoke of the incense. Visualize the required outcome, such as signing the papers.

✤ While the candle is burning out, reinforce your vision of success.

Any outcome that occurs because of this spell is not time-specific, that is, you have not asked for a particular timeframe.

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