Warding Off Evil: Spells to Protect Your Home and Loved Ones

This spell can be used when you have been burgled or your home has been violated in some way. It uses symbolism and representation and needs to be done as soon as possible after the event. There are several stages to the process and
each one should make you feel progressively better. Tracing the rune without drawing it on paper means in this instance it has more power because it is visible to no one else but you.

• Water for cleaning your home
• Cleaning cloth
• Essential oil (for a bath to rebalance your aura)
• Candle (preferably white)
• A large quantity of rock salt
• A purification incense (such as frankincense or copal)

✤ You will want to cleanse your house to get rid of undue influences, so use the occasion to get rid of anger at the same time.

✤ Put a few drops of essential oil in the water you use and as you do your cleaning, mentally clear the atmosphere in each room spiritually and emotionally, converting any anger into love for your home.

✤ When you have finished, throw away the cloth and water you used and as you do so mentally close off your association with the violator of your premises.

✤ Now make a ritual of your bath, lighting your candle for fresh energy then add the essential oil and a teaspoon of salt.

✤ It is a good idea to keep the water trickling in and out of the bath to signify moving water, since you want to wash away any negativity, not stagnate in it.

✤ When your preparations are complete take the salt and, moving clockwise through the house, sprinkle a little in each corner of each room to remove all traces of the negative.

✤ Make the sign of the rune Dagaz
at the windows and doors of your home, starting at the top left and using your most powerful hand.

✤ Each time you do this, repeat words such as:

Protect my home and keep it safe.

✤ Use your own words if you wish so that they have more meaning.

✤ Finally, at a point closest to the center of your home, light the incense, and let it waft throughout all the rooms to give a final cleansing and raise the vibration.

With this particular technique, you have raised the vibration in your home, protected it, and allowed yourself to become slightly more aware of how precious your safe space is. You will also have come to terms with fear. Skin-Faxi, Dag’s white horse, is said to have chased away the fears of the night with beams from his shining mane so Dagaz is best used in a situation of unease such as this.

It is useful to remember that the difference between runes and Ogham Staves is that runes are Nordic and more associated with light, or the lack of it, and the effect it had on peoples’ lives, whereas staves are Celtic and associated with trees or plants. You may find it interesting to compare and contrast the two and decide which you more naturally relate to.

You also might like to honor the respective Gods – Odin for the runes and Ogmios for the Ogham Staves. When working with any of the individual runes or staves, don’t forget to pay due respect to the animals, trees, and symbolism inherent in each one. By working in that way, when you wear them in amulets or use their representations in talismans, you will be linking into the intrinsic power in each rune or stave. When using the alphabetic equivalents in any way, also remember to allow for the energy that the letters contain.

Any ritual connected with either the runes or The staves need to reflect the simplicity of the images. A simple form of blessing that honors the four Elements might be, for instance:

Land, sun, lake, and wind
Bless now the form of my working.

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