The History of Witchcraft and Wiccaa: From Ancient Times to Modern Practice

The roots of witchcraft are just as ancient as the roots of voodoo. Like voodoo, ‘The Craft’ or witchcraft should never be confused with Satanism, the outright worship of Satan. The truth has nothing to do with such worship, even though there are some Satanists who will, wrongfully, call themselves a ‘witch’.

Wicca is the practice of the religion of witchcraft, with its own set of beliefs, while The Craft is more properly the practicalities of the art of witchcraft, such as spell-making and healing. It is the misunderstanding of this differentiation that has led to persecution in the past. Neither is witchcraft the old lady with a warty, crooked nose and pointed hat so beloved of myths and fairytales, nor is it the beautiful women or evil wizards so hyped for modern media.

Witchcraft old and new

At rock bottom, modern witchcraft owes its roots to both Gnosticism and shamanism, although in many ways, being brought forward into the modern day by people such as Gerald Gardner and Alexander Sanders, some of that shamanic integrity has been radically changed. In becoming almost an urban religion, it has become very diverse in its practices and beliefs, and, on the surface, it is sometimes difficult to perceive the basic core convictions.

Witchcraft develops through the large number of groups that exist with intrinsic bonds to one another. On the whole, these are looser than those that you will find between the various Christian churches. Each group or coven has its traditions and beliefs, develops its rituals, and can exist – if necessary – in isolation, much as Gnostic groups did in the pre-Christian era. It is perhaps this latter quality that has given rise to the huge upsurge in the existence of solitary witches but has also resulted in the survival of The Craft despite persecution and danger.

The basic principles of The Craft are as follows:

1. The first principle is that of love and is expressed in the ethic ‘do as you will, so long as you harm none. This love is not emotional but is seen as an outpouring and sharing of basic energy or force as communicated about other beings, whether they are human or otherwise. Harm, which is seen as unethical, is an unjustified action with no cause; harming others can be done by words, thoughts, or deeds. Doing something that ultimately harms oneself is not acceptable.

2. The witch should act within the structure of the Law of Cause and Effect. Every action has its reaction, and every effect has its cause. This is a principle that holds within the human realm. It is believed that all things happen according to this law. From a human perspective – though not from a divine – nothing in the universe can occur outside this law, though we may not always enjoy the relationship between a given effect and its cause.

3. Supplementary to this is the Law of Three, which states that whatever goes forth must return threefold, whether good or ill. Our actions affect others more than people realize, and the resulting reactions are also part of the package. It is a very basic application of the tenet ‘As ye sow, so also shall ye reap’. This is why magical spells and rituals must be very carefully considered and full responsibility accepted before action is taken.

4. For this reason, anyone practicing witchcraft needs to recognize and harmonize with Universal forces in agreement with the Law of Polarity. Everything is dual; everything has
two poles; everything has its opposite; for every action, there is a reaction; everything can be categorized as either active or reactive concerning other things.

5. Recognizing this polarity means that, while the Wiccan religion acknowledges that fundamentally there is one Ultimate Being, members worship and relate to the Divine as the archetypal polarity of God and Goddess, the Male and Female principle, the All-Father and the Great Mother. As has been said:

Godhead is one unique and transcendent wholeness, beyond any limitations or expressions; thus, it is beyond our human capacity to understand and identify with this principle of Cosmic Oneness, except as It is revealed to us in terms of Its attributes and operation.

These five concepts are supposedly as close as humans can get to the Godhead, given the constraints of the human limits of understanding and expression. The practice of the ‘Mystery Religions, however, allows mankind to live within the principle of cosmic oneness.

‘As above, so below’ is another principle that can be accepted. That which exists in the macrocosm (the heavens) exists, on a smaller scale and to a lesser degree, in the microcosm (the physical world). The powers of the universe are present also in the human being, though on the whole, they are not properly utilized. The abilities and qualities of ‘being’ can be activated and used if the proper techniques and initiations are practiced. The secrets of the hidden knowledge must be concealed from the unworthy, however, because much harm can be done by those who have power without responsibility.

The Craft is a natural religion, seen in nature as the expression and revelation of divinity.

Humanity can exert the power of the gods; to be a channel for the Godhead to manifest in a multitude of ways.

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