Eclectic Wicca: Embracing Diversity in Wiccan Practices

The main traditions and beliefs in the craft include Gardnerian Wicca, Alexandrian Wicca, Dianic Wicca, the Faery tradition, has many branches of Celtic-based Wicca and other forms, which are often called Eclectic Wicca. Wiccans draw their practices and information from many different sources. They may call themselves witches.

Wiccans accept that everything emanates from the ‘One World’ – the universe – and is in perpetual motion. All things rise and fall in a tidal movement that reflects the motion inherent in the universe. Therefore the Wiccan practitioner celebrates, harmonizes with, and makes use of, the natural flow expressed through the sequence of the seasons and the motion of the solar system. These ritual observances are the eight great festivals of the year, known as Sabbats, referred to as the Wheel of the Year. Operating the Laws of Polarity, the Wiccan is also conscious of the forces and tides of the Moon. Examples of spells and rituals using these forces are given shortly.

There are numerous ways of honoring the Moon and one of the simplest is to honor the sanctity of your own life. This you do by paying special attention to Diana, Goddess of the Moon and the Woodlands, for a short time every day, and recognizing the life connection between you and every living creature.

You might hang apple slices, nuts, and seeds in your garden for her creatures. At the same time, honor Diana by saying:

Diana, Goddess of the Woodlands, I make this offering in recognition of your power to care for your creatures.

You may find that you are then drawn to one animal in particular. If this happens, try to keep a representation of that animal close beside you so that you are constantly reminded that you and your body are the medium between much earth energy and other creatures. This is linked with the idea of totems or soul animals.

Having a representation of Diana and her creatures in your home or sacred space is a reminder that you honor her each time you do something to assist the earth and its creatures. Whenever you think of this, you might repeat these words:

Goddess of the Silver Moon,
Lady of the Forests,
Hear my praises to you
As you protect your creatures,
Protect now me and mine.

The use of symbolic representations of the natural and divine forces of the universe is an effective way of contacting and utilizing the forces they denote. The Wheel of the Year personalizes the relationship between the Lord or Sun God and his Lady, the Goddess. The natural progression of the seasons is seen as a reflection of that relationship.

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