Embracing the Energy of the Sabbats: How to Harness Their Power

The need for the correctness of conduct is epitomized in the concept of the Wheel of the Year, as the God and Goddess come together in innocence and later part in the cycle of birth, death, and regeneration. The natural order was believed to have depended not solely on the regular and precise performance of rituals, but also on the conduct of the people, particularly of its leaders, outside the sacred precincts. This meant that certain freedoms and restrictions were imposed at the time of the Sabbats (festivals).

The Celtic year started with Samhain to encompass the period of rest before the God and Goddess became active. This concept is still honored today in the modern-day rituals performed at the times of the Sabbats. Some examples of the rituals are given below. They are all designed for group work, although it is perfectly acceptable to perform them alone.

Samhain – 31 October

Although the Celtic year starts with Samhain, it is also the third and final Harvest Sabbat. The dark winter half of the year commences on this Sabbat. Traditionally, the door between the physical realm and that of spirit is now open.

At this time, the Dark Mother and the Dark Father – the Crone and her aged Consort – are paid due respect.

Food offerings are left on altars and doorsteps for the wandering spirits and a candle is often placed in the window to help the spirits and ancestors to come home. The coming darkness signifies a time of chaos and mayhem when often nothing is what it seems. For this reason, any ritual should always be performed within a consecrated circle for your protection.

A black candle to represent the dying God or a yellow one inscribed with the symbol of the Sun
Grains, fruits, and dried flowers as offerings to the Goddess
Runes, tarot cards, and other divination tools
Corn or other suitable bread for the spirits of the dead
Samhain incense as shown below

✤ Cast your circle and build up your cone of protection.

✤ Invoke the God and Goddess by saying:

I ask for your blessing Dark Mother and Father of Darkness,
As the veil between two worlds thins,
I greet my ancestors and loved ones who have gone before me.
May only those who wish me well enter this circle.
We greet all those gone before us and who are free of Earth’s ties.

✤ Spend a few moments thinking of your loved ones, then say:

We thank you for your presence here tonight.

✤ Next, light the God candle and say:

Tonight, as all you dead souls walk
amongst the living,
As we pass through into the shadow of darkness, we do so gratefully.
We know it is the wheel of the year turning.
We thank the Gods and Goddess for the glittering prizes of the summertime.
Tonight, the Lord of the Hunt, the Lord of the Sun, quietly moves from us.
It is the wheel-a-turning and it will turn again till the Sun rises from the Moon.
Here, this candle symbolizes the
Lord of the Sun – its quenching, his passing.

✤ Blow out the God candle, do not light it again until Yule.

✤ You must now acknowledge the Crone aspect of the Goddess by saying:

The decreasing Moon and stars are the gifts you gave.

Oh, Goddess of wisdom and magic speak to us of your wisdom and power.

Understand it will be used wisely.

Pass on your energy and force so that our spells rituals and divinations will be enthused.
Understand again, oh Goddess, they shall bring no harm to your creatures.

✤ Now dismiss the spirits of the ancestors by saying:

Aid us as we look beyond the long
dark days of winter.
Go in peace.
Afterwards, use your divination tools to gain a perspective on the coming months, hold a simple feast, close the sacred circle then bury the offerings.

Also, leave a plate of food for the spirits still at large.

Samhain Incense
1 part dittany
1/2 part pine
1 part sandalwood
1/4 part patchouli
1/4 part benzoin resin
Few drops of pine oil.

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