The History of Yule: Origins and Significance on December

Yule is a celebration of rebirth and the renewing of the old. It is the start of longer, lighter days as the Lord of the Sun arises from his sojourn with the Goddess. Here, light becomes important as we use sympathetic magic to ensure the return of the Sun. The ancient Egyptians also watched and waited for the star Sirius to announce yet another birth, that of Horus as the son of Osiris from the womb of Isis at this time.

The Yule log symbolizes the continuation of light and this ritual honors that tradition.

Before performing this ritual, you might want to decorate your home with evergreens, although mistletoe, which is sacred to both Druids and Scandinavians, is still banned from Christian churches as being unholy. For this celebration, consider that the Yule log is your altar. The celebration is designed for a group, so there is some preparation necessary beforehand to get the full effect from it.

Wish Branch

You will need a wish branch to indicate your desires and wishes for the coming year.

Prepare this before you attend the celebration.

You can spray the branch with silver or gold paint but do not forget to ask permission of the nature spirits before you do so.

Yule incense as shown below
Ribbons and cords in various colors
Small representations such as cake or Christmas tree decorations or children’s toys, of your most important aims and desires (you might use one item for each month: be as creative as you like)
Small wrapped sweets tied with colored thread
Branch of your chosen sacred wood

✤ Light the incense.

✤ Meditate on the coming year and what you would most like to see happen.

✤ You might also include your wishes for your family and friends or your larger world.

✤ When you have decided on your intentions, choose decorations or toys appropriate to your wishes. Decorate the branch according to your creativity. (This is an intensely personal object and will be used later in the celebration.)

✤ Take the branch to the celebration.

Preparation of Yule Log

So often nowadays there is nowhere to burn the Yule log properly but it is quite difficult to substitute this method. This prepared log can then be used year after year and, of course, becomes increasingly powerful the more it is used. The log can be of any of the sacred woods. The first time it is prepared, it should be done by the leaders of the group and strictly should be consecrated afresh each year with a simple prayer to the God and Goddess.

Red and green candles (one candle for each member of the group, plus an extra green one for the leader)
Suitable log large enough to accommodate the candles
Silver foil

✤ In the log bore a hole large enough to hold each candle, plus two extra.

✤ Line each hole with silver foil or a metal cake cup for safety so that the Yule log does not catch fire. (Alternatively, you could wrap the end of the candle in silver foil.)

✤ As you do so, ask for a blessing from the God and Goddess for the work you do.

Yule Celebration

Prepared Yule log
2 white candles
Black candle from Samhain (to represent the God)
Prepared red and green candles as above
Group’s wish branches
A wreath (symbolic of the Wheel of the Year and the Goddess)
Yule incense as shown below

✤ Cast your circle and light the incense.

✤ Place the Yule log in a prominent position.

✤ Light the white candles at either end of the Yule log.

✤ Place the God candle in front of the log and say:

Here this candle symbolizes the Sun God,
Its final flicker, His passing, and here its flame once
again lights His return.

✤ Light the God candle from one of the altar candles.

✤ The leader should then light their green candle and say:

Blessed be the Maiden Goddess.
May this world be forever young in her presence.

✤ From that candle a second candle is then lit.

The words now used are:

Blessed be the Mother Goddess,
fresh and rosy with babe.
And so shall all that springs from her be strong, adventurous, and bountiful.

✤ Then light a third candle from the second and say:

Blessed be the deep-rooted Goddess,
Wise, powerful and temperate,
The keeper of wisdom and the
ever-turning wheel.

✤ Each member then steps up, lights their candle from the last, and places it securely in the Yule log.

✤ Finally the leader lights a last candle to complete the ritual and while facing towards the East says:

Tonight, the Lord of the Sun is born again.
The Goddess and the God are together in harmony.
The Sun reaffirms as the wheel is
turning once again,
We praise the Goddess and the newly-born God, our Father and Mother.

✤ Now, if liked, each participant may talk about their wishes for the next year whilst placing their wish branches around the Yule log, or in a large vase nearby.

Yule Incense
1 part clove
1 part juniper
1 part cinnamon
1/2 part dried orange peel

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