Harnessing the Power: Practical Applications of Lleu’s Spell in Modern Magick

This spell honours the Celtic culture-bringer and solar god (Lleu to the Welsh, Lugh to the Irish, Lugus to the Gauls). As Lleu, he was cursed by his mother Arianrhod that he would have no name unless she named him herself; that he would bear no weapons unless she armed him herself; and that he would not have a wife from any race that now lived on this earth. He duly overcame these difficulties to become all powerful.

Two orange candles
Lleu incense (see below)
A corn doll decorated with flowers (to represent Lleu’s wife)
Picture or representation of a bow and arrow, your boline or a ceremonial dagger (to represent a weapon)
Barley, oats and wheat ears to scatter
A loaf of bread (to commemorate the Saxon Feast of Bread)
Beer or cider

✤ Light the candles and the incense.

✤ Wait a few moments for the incense to permeate the atmosphere.

✤ Take the doll in your left hand and the arrow or dagger in your right.

✤ Present these in order to the God as you say the words:

Lleu, named Little One by your mother,
Armed in her defence and wed to the Flower Maiden
Join now in my/our rite as we/I honour you

✤ Replace both the doll and the arrow or weapon on the altar.

✤ Taking a seed head, rub it between your fingers and scatter it over the altar to represent threshing the grain.

✤ Say:
May these seeds signify the
harvests still to come.

✤ Pick up the loaf and break off a large piece, placing it to one side (this is distributed to the animals later).

✤ Say:
Here we offer you the fruits of our labour which we
share with your creatures.

✤ Break off a small piece of the loaf and say:
Now I partake of your goodness,
May I be at one with you.

✤ Eat the bread.

✤ Take a sip of beer or cider and say:
As my thirst is quenched,
so shall be that of the rest of the world.

✤ If you are in a group then the bread and cider is shared among you and if the ritual is performed out of doors, the remains are given to the birds and animals at that time.

The partaking of the bread and cider also celebrates Lammas, at which the first of the grain harvest is consumed in ritual loaves. If this spell is performed indoors, you might like to use the beer or cider as a form of wassailing (libation) of a local tree. Even the popular pastime of feeding the ducks with your bread honours the tradition. The athame or ritual The knife is not used since it cannot be so aggressive purposes. This time is also sacred to the Greek Goddess of the Moon and the Hunt, Artemis, hence an arrow – her symbol can be substituted.

Lleu Incense
1 part cedar
1 part juniper
1/2 part sandalwood

Math is an eminent magician and lord of North Wales, brother of Don, the Welsh mother-Goddess. Returning from battle he discovered that his foot-holder, who had to be a virgin, had been raped by his nephews (see Arianrhod). Furious, he turned them first of all into a stag and a hind, then a boar and a sow, and then a wolf and a she-wolf.

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