The Divine Feminine: Welsh Goddesses in Contrast to Egyptian Gods

Arianrhod is a Moon goddess. Her name means ‘silver wheel’. She is the daughter of Don, sister of Gwydion. Given the position of foot-holder to Math, and therefore supposedly a virgin, she nevertheless gave birth to Dylan and Lleu, cursing the latter, thus taking her revenge on all men. She is an aspect of the Triple Goddess.

Moon Goddess Incense
2 parts benzoin resin
1 part white onion skins
11/2 parts allspice
11/2 parts camphor
1/2 part poppy

Branwen is the goddess of love and beauty. She is linked with the Greek goddess Aphrodite and the Roman goddess Venus.

Ceridwen is best known in her aspect of the ‘Dark Goddess’. She was the keeper of the Cauldron of Inspiration and Knowledge. She causes things to be reborn (changed, by having been given her protection) and at the same time is in charge of the actual process of generation.

She has the power of knowing what is needed, whatever the circumstances. Ceridwen corresponds to Brighid.

Rhiannon is believed to be the Welsh counterpart of the Gaulish horse goddess Epona and the Irish goddess Macha.

Egyptian Gods

Amun (also Ammon, Amon Ra) was a supreme god of the ancient Egyptians. His worship spread to Greece, where he was identified with Zeus, and to Rome where he was known as Jupiter Ammon.

Anubis is the god of mummification and protector of tombs and is often represented as having a jackal’s head. He is said to have weighed the souls of the dead against a feather.

Atum was known as ‘the complete one’. He is a great creator-god thought to have been the oldest worshipped at Heliopolis. He is usually shown as a man wearing a double crown.

Apis, a God depicted as a bull, symbolized fertility and strength in war. Apis was worshipped especially at Memphis.

Bes is a protector of women during pregnancy and childbirth. Fond of parties and sensual music, he is also credited with being able to dispel evil spirits.

Geb (also Kebu, Seb, Sibu, Sivu) is a God of the earth, earthquakes, and fertility. His sister Nut was his counterpart as the Sky Goddess.

Horus, a sky god whose symbol is the hawk, is usually depicted as a falcon-headed man. He was regarded as the protector of the monarchy and his name was often added to royal titles.

He assumed various aspects and was known to the Greeks as Harpocrates (Horus the Child).

Khephra (also Khephera, Khopri) is said to have been self-created and the God of the Dawn Sun. His symbol is the scarab beetle, which stands for health, strength, and virility. Wear a scarab amulet to invoke Khephra’s protection.

Khonsu, whose name means ‘he who crosses’, was a Moon-god worshipped especially at Thebes and was the divine son of Amun and Mut.

Osiris, a god originally associated with fertility, was the husband of Isis and father of Horus. He is known chiefly through the story of his death at the hand of his brother Seth and his subsequent restoration by his wife Isis to a new life as ruler of the Afterlife.

Ptah was an ancient deity of Memphis, creator of the universe, god of artisans, and husband of Sekhmet. He became one of the chief deities of Egypt and was identified by the Greeks with Hephaestus.

Ra, the supreme Egyptian Sun God, was worshipped as the creator of all life and was often portrayed with a falcon’s head bearing the solar disc. He appears traveling in his ship with other gods, crossing the sky by day and journeying through the underworld in the dead of night.

Sun God Incense
1 part frankincense resin
1 part benzoin resin
1 part cinnamon
1/2 part coriander

Seth, one of the oldest of the Egyptian deities, is the god of chaos and evil. He is shown as a man with the head of a monster.

Thoth is the God of knowledge, law, wisdom, writing, and the Moon. He is also the measure of time and depicted either as an ibis, a man with the head of an ibis or as a baboon.

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  1. David esly Dauda says:



  2. David esly Dauda says:

    please help me


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