Understanding the Origins of Evil: A Reflective Exploration

Erishkegal ruled over the seven hells (states of illusion). In her best-known aspect, she is destructive and vengeful yet – as with many of the Crone aspects of the Goddess – she is often a necessary part of the lessons we need to learn.

Banishing incense
Two black or dark purple candles
Tarot cards or other divination method
Moon symbol (perhaps a circle of dark paper)
Herbs in a bowl (a mixture of blessed thistle, rosemary, and bay laurel)
Incense burner

✤ Light the candles.

✤ If you use incense charcoal, the herbs can be slowly dropped on the lighted charcoal at the appropriate time in the ritual.

✤ Burn the banishing incense first of all, in order to clear a space for your work.

✤ Cast your circle or dedicate your sacred space as usual. Call upon the four winds or Elements to guard the circle.

✤ When finished, stand facing the east.

✤ Raise your arms in greeting and say:

Between the worlds, I consecrate this space
Beyond time, this rite leads to the ancient way,
Come now, you gods of greatest strength
Deepest, Darkest, most omnipotent I greet you.

✤ Take your wand into your power hand (the one you project power with most easily).

Holding your arms outstretched, say:

The cycle of the Moon reaches her darkest place
Yet the wisdom of the Dark Mother is here within.
Only the uninitiated would use that power for the wrong
At this darkest time is also power for good.

✤ Tap the altar three times with the wand and say:

Hear me, Wise One
As I call upon you now.
Show me the paths that I must tread
Thus may we clear this sense of dread.

✤ Mix the herbs lightly so that the perfume is released, then hold the bowl up over the altar, and say:

I offer these herbs to cleanse and purify,
Accept them as both offering and token.

✤ Regularly add small amounts of herbs to the burner. (Often the amount of smoke produced will show you from which direction the negativity is coming.) Continue to add small amounts of herbs throughout the rest of the ritual.

✤ Take the Moon symbol in your power hand and the mirror in the other, the reflective side away from you. (With the mirror you will send the negativity back to the source that it has come from. It is wisest if you think of it going back to the source of evil rather than rebounding on the perpetrator of your difficulty.)

✤ Go to the east, hold up the mirror and symbol then say:

I command you, all evil and
unbalanced powers that come from the East,
Return from whence you came.

✤ Go to the south and say:

I command you, all evil and
unbalanced powers that come from the south,
Return from whence you came.

✤ Go to the west and say:

I command you, all evil and
unbalanced powers that come from the West,
Return from whence you came.

✤ Go to the north and say:

I command you, all evil and
unbalanced powers that come from the North,
Return from whence you came.

✤ Stand in the center of your sacred space and put the mirror down.

✤ Raise the Moon symbol skyward, saying:

By the symbol of the Moon Goddess, I ask for protection from all negative influences.
Lady of the Moon, I ask for new ideas and
beginnings and the wisdom and
guidance to act upon them.
I believe that strengthened by your perception and skills I shall be free.

✤ Ask the Dark Moon Goddess for guidance.

✤ State as clearly as you can what is going wrong in your life and what changes you would like to see happening – whether to yourself or others.

✤ Take up the wand, draw a circle in the air clockwise and say:

Goddess of dark and unlit places
I acknowledge you.
Within your secret realms
You change your form.
So seven times within each little hell
I beg for change
As complete as this circle.

✤ Sit quietly to receive inspiration and insight.

✤ Follow this with divination with tarot or your chosen method to give you a clearer insight.

You might do a spell for binding or removing problems. If you do carry out any other magical work, before you begin do not forget to thank Erishkegal for her presence.

✤ When everything is completed, hold your wand over the altar and say:

Spirits of Fire, Earth, air, and sea.
The circle of power now works for me.

✤ Sense the energy of the circle being used to bind the negativity.

✤ Close the circle in your normal fashion.

This spell is somewhat involved and needs to be carried out with a sense of commitment. Erishkegal ruled over dark magic, revenge, retribution, the waning and dark Moon, death, destruction, and regeneration and therefore helps us to discover our own personal ‘darknesses’. Erishkegal’s sister Ishtar had to overcome the former’s jealousy and terrible power to come to terms with her task.

Ishtar (also Inanna) is a goddess whose name and functions correspond to those of Astarte. A great goddess, the goddess of love and war, Ishtar’s worship involved phallic symbols, sacred whores, and painted priests in women’s clothing.

Ninhursag is an Earth Mother, corresponding to Egyptian Ma’at.

Nintu (also Ki) is a great Sumerian goddess, wife of Anu, and mother of all gods. She created humans from clay.

Tiamat is the representation of primeval chaos.

Angered by the gods, she fought against them and was slain by Marduk. Being split in two, one half became the Heavens and the other the Earth. She is sometimes known as the Great Serpent and gave rise to the concept of the original Leviathan – the primeval monster of the deep.

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1 Comment

  1. Edward Williams says:

    essential reading: Inanna; Queen of Heaven and Earth. Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer by Samuel Noah Kramer and Diane Wolkstein.


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