Mastering the Art of Intention: Amplify Your Spells for Greater Impact

Personal preparation is very important and this section tells you about ritual baths and how to tailor them to your needs. Then comes consecrating your sacred space, which consists of (usually) setting aside a part of your home where you feel safe and unthreatened. For many, this means setting up an altar that can be left in position permanently, but for others, the sacred space cannot be a permanent one. Those objects that you normally need to include in your work – such as your candlesticks, altar furnishings, and so on – will also need to be consecrated (dedicated to the purpose) as indeed with any tools that you use, such as your athame and wand. Before that, you must learn how to cast your circle and this is also discussed.

Following this is the information you need to make use of astrological correspondences and planetary influences. Each star sign has a particular influence, which it exerts on us and what we do, and learning how to use these influences to the best of your ability will maximize your spell-making and give you a good deal of extra power when it is needed.

Each day and each hour is ‘ruled by’ – receives a particular influence from – the planets. If you are looking for expansion, for instance, you would use the influence of the planet Jupiter. Many spell workers prefer to use the night hours to work in, not necessarily because it is dark, but because it is quiet and the ‘hours’ – divisions of time – are often longer than our normal 60 minutes.

While color magic was briefly discussed in previous teaching, by learning a little more about the use of color correspondences, you can again enhance your work. A short list is included to help you. Words of Power are used in many traditions and some examples are given. There is a tremendous amount to learn and to remember, but gradually you will find that you settle down into an accepted way of working, and will begin to use any or all of the above knowledge almost instinctively. The trick is to take things slowly and add one new bit of knowledge as you become more proficient.


Several processes become automatic when preparing for spell work. If you choose to wear special clothing, for instance, then this has to be prepared before you start your preparations. Overleaf there are some suggestions for personal robes, which can be laid out with some ceremony before you begin.

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