Closing a Circle: Why Endings Are Essential for Personal Growth

✤ Thank the Elements’ rulers, if you have called upon them, for attending the ritual.

✤ If you used ritual tools, holding your athame, stand in the north. Pierce the circle’s wall with the blade at waist level. If you wish, simply use your index finger to achieve the same end.

✤ Move clockwise around the circle. Visualize its power being sucked back into the knife or your finger. Since the sphere of energy withdrawing and dissipating.

✤ Let the outside world slowly make itself felt in your consciousness. As you come back to the north again, the energy of the circle should have disappeared. If it has not, simply repeat the actions.

✤ If you have laid items to mark out the circle, remove them. If you have used salt and water, you may save the excess salt for future uses, but pour the water onto the bare earth. Bury any incense ashes.

✤ Put out the candles. Start with those that have marked the cardinal compass points, followed by any others used.

✤ Next put out the one representing the God energy and finally the Goddess candle. Never blow them out (some say this dissipates the energy). Either snuff or pinch them out.

✤ You may leave the candles to burn out on your own if you wish.

✤ Put away your tools if you are not able to leave your altar in place.

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