Magical Days: How to Infuse Everyday Life with Wonder

The days of the week, because they are ruled by the various gods, create an energy that is best for certain types of magical working. Following is a list that, while not completely comprehensive, will give you some idea of when to perform your spells. Each day’s planetary ruler and optimum colors are also given.

Sunday (Sun – yellow, gold, orange): ambition, authority figures, career, children, crops, drama, fun, goals, health, law, personal finances, promotion, selling, speculating, success, volunteers, and civic services.

Monday (Moon – white, silver, grey, pearl): antiques, astrology, children, dreams/astral travel, emotions, fluids, household activities, imagination, initiation, magic, New Age pursuits, psychology, reincarnation, religion, short trips, spirituality, the public, totem animals, and trip planning.

Tuesday (Mars – red, pink, orange): aggression, business, beginnings, combat, confrontation, courage, dynamism, gardening, guns, hunting, movement, muscular activity, passion, partnerships, physical energy, police, repair,
sex, soldiers, surgery, tools, woodworking.

Wednesday (Mercury – purple, magenta, silver): accounting, astrology, communication, computers, correspondence, editing, editors, education, healing, hiring, journalists, learning, languages, legal appointments, messages, music, phone calls, siblings, signing contracts, students, visiting friends, visual arts, wisdom, and writing.

Thursday (Jupiter – blue, metallic colors): business, charity, college, doctors, education, expansion, forecasting, foreign interests, gambling, growth, horses, luck, material wealth, merchants, philosophy, psychologists, publishing, reading, religion, researching, self-improvement, sports, studying the law, and travel.

Friday (Venus – green, pink, white): affection, alliances, architects, artists, beauty, chiropractors, courtship, dancers, dating, designers, engineers, entertainers, friendships, gardening, gifts, harmony, luxury, marriage, music, painting, partners, poetry, relationships, romantic love, shopping, and social activity.

Saturday (Saturn – black, grey, red, white): binding, bones, criminals, death, debts, dentists, discovery, endurance, farm workers, financing, hard work, housing, justice, karma, limits, manifestation, maths, murderers, neutralization, obstacles, plumbing, protection, reality, sacrifice, separation, structure, teeth, tests, transformation, wills.

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