The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram: Exploring its Esoteric Significance

The first part of this ritual, that of the The kabbalistic cross is used by practitioners to open themselves to the powers of the universe and to state that they are present and ready for work. By calling the energy of the universe into the practitioner through the center of his being, the mind, body, and soul are energized and aligned with cosmic forces. The practitioner is then able to direct these energies with wisdom and at will. It is suggested that if you can do so, perform at least the first part of the ritual – which deals with the personal self – every day.

✤ Stand facing east.

✤ Perform the Kabbalistic cross as follows.

✤ Touch your forehead with the first two fingers of your right hand and visualize a sphere of white light at that point.

✤ Chant:
Atah (this translates roughly as Thou Art)

✤ Lower your hand to your solar plexus and visualize a line of light extending down to your feet and chant:
Malkuth (the Kingdom)

✤ Raise your hand and touch your right shoulder, visualizing a sphere of light there and chant:
Ve Geburah (and the power)

✤ Extend the hand across the chest tracing a line of light and touch your left shoulder where another sphere of light forms and chants:
Ve Gedulah (and the glory)

✤ Clasp your hands in the center of your chest at the crossing point of the horizontal and vertical lines of light.

✤ Bow your head and chant:
Le Olam, Amen (forever, amen)

This first part, in particular, brings about a quiet mind free of ‘chatter’ from the everyday world. This is useful in meditation and also in spell working when concentration is needed. This quiet mind is of extreme importance so that the correct energies can be focused properly on the work at hand. While English words are largely used in rituals, here there are words which, through tradition and long usage, have become Words of Power. The ritual acknowledges the archangels in their proper place and creates a very positive space in which to work.

The effects of the complete ritual, which is in two parts are first and foremost on the astral (more subtle) energies, though it uses the pentagram (five-pointed star traced on the body, see Essential Ritual, below) as a sign that the practitioner recognizes his place on earth as man. There is, in effect, a stepping down of the energies to make them usable, although The practitioner’s power is raised or enhanced.

The protection that the pentagrams give is to banish any negative energy that may be present on any level whatsoever. In previous times it was thought that the magister or practitioner had mastery over the power he or she was using. Today it is regarded in terms of a collaborative effort between spiritual or magical energies and the practitioner. This does not mean there is any less respect.

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    Am ready to join


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