The Science Behind Rituals and Their Impact on Your Life

✤ Facing east, using the extended fingers, trace a large pentagram with a point up, starting at your left hip, up to just above your forehead, centered on your body, then down to your right hip, up and to your left shoulder, across to the right shoulder and down to the starting point in front of your left hip.

✤ Visualize this pentagram in blue flaming light.

✤ Thrust your fingers or athame into the center.

✤ Chant:
YHVH (Yod-heh-vahv-heh)
(This is the tetragrammaton, a four-letter word of power – translated into Latin as Jehovah)

Turn to the south.
✤ Visualize the blue flame following your fingers, tracing a blue line from the pentagram in the east to the south.

✤ Repeat the formation of the pentagram while facing south.

✤ This time, chant:
Adonai [another name for God translated as Lord]
Turn to the west, tracing the blue flame from south to west.

✤ Form a pentagram again, but this time chant:
Eheieh [Eh-hay-yeah – another name of God translated as I Am or I Am That I A]
Turn to the north, again tracing the blue flame from west to north.

✤ Repeat the tracing of the pentagram and chant:
Agla (Ah-gah-lah – a composite of Atah Gibor le olam Amen)

Return to the east, tracing the blue flame from north to east.

✤ Push your fingers back into the same spot from which you started.

✤ You should now visualize that you are surrounded by four flaming pentagrams connected by a line of blue fire.

✤ Visualizing each archangel standing guard at each direction, extend your arms out to your sides, forming a cross.

✤ Chant:
Before me RAPHAEL (rah-fah-ell)
Behind me GABRIEL (gah-bree-ell)
On my right hand, MICHAEL (mee-khah-ell)
On my left hand, AURIEL (sometimes URIEL,
aw-ree-ell or ooh-ree-ell)
Before I flame the pentagram, behind me shines the six-rayed star

✤ Repeat the Kabbalistic cross as you did at the beginning and chant:
Ve Geburah
Ve Gedulah
Le Olam
As can be seen, Raphael is in the east, Gabriel in the west, Michael in the south, and Uriel in the north.

Sometimes Michael and Uriel are transposed by some practitioners. These archangels are the four guardians of the cardinal directions and you will find references to these cardinal directions in many of the spells and rituals.

This ritual sometimes seems to be too complicated for most people, so let us try to simplify the process of ritual so you can understand the thinking behind it. As time goes and you become more proficient, you may wish to return to these individual rituals and familiarize yourself with them.

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