Embracing Divine Protection: Harnessing the Power of the Archangels

The four archangels can be found in a variety of protective incantations and invocations. Their purpose is to guard the four quarters or cardinal points. They are an almost universal symbol that can turn up in many different aspects, from nursery rhymes to the guardians of the dead.

For our purposes, they might be thought of as extra help in living our lives successfully. Think of yourself making a connection to Michael for love, so that you can live more fully; Gabriel for strength, to fill you with power for the next day; Uriel for suffusing you with the light of the mind or understanding; and Raphael for healing all your ills. When you are having a hard time, you can send a brief prayer or request to whichever one is appropriate.

Generally, there are considered to be seven archangels and it will depend on your teaching as to which school of thought you choose to follow in naming them. Because the teachings were initially by word of mouth, there are many different lists of archangels deputed to help the world upon its way. The four archangels considered here are the ones that appear consistently in most lists and are therefore the best known universally. They are the ones most often called upon in magical workings. The only problem is that sometimes Michael and Uriel appear to swap places in some traditions, which can be confusing. If the attributions given here do not feel right, try the ritual the other way about and change the words accordingly. Do ensure that you still call upon all four archangels, however.

Michael, which means ‘Who is as God’ in Hebrew, is one of the seven archangels and also chief of the four closest to God. The Roman Catholic Church regards Michael in much the same light as the Catholic Church, his festival, Michaelmas, being held on 29 September. He is known in mythology as the one who attempted to bring Lucifer back to God. In Ezekiel’s vision of the cherubim, or the four sacred animals, he is the angel with the face of the lion. Michael is often visualized as a masculine archangel dressed in robes or armor of red and green. He stands in the attitude of a warrior amid flames. Bearing either a sword or a spear, Michael is the guardian against evil and the protector of
humanity. He is stationed in the south.

Raphael is one of four archangels stationed on the throne of God; his task is to heal the earth. Initially, he was pictured with the face of a dragon, but this was changed in later imagery to the face of a man. He is often visualized as a tall, fair figure standing upon the clouds in robes of yellow and violet, sometimes holding the Caduceus of Hermes as a symbol of his healing powers. He is God’s builder or composer and has the task of building or rebuilding the earth, which the fallen angels have defiled. Raphael’s name in Hebrew means ‘Healer of God’ or ‘God has Healed’. Raphael Ruachel (‘Raphael of Air’) is stationed in the east.

In Hebrew, Gabriel means ‘Strong One of God’. He is one of the four archangels who stand in the presence of God and was sent to announce to Mary the birth of Jesus. In Ezekiel’s vision of the four sacred animals is the face of the eagle. Gabriel is often visualized as a feminine archangel holding a cup, standing upon the waters of the sea, and wearing robes of blue and orange. Gabriel is also at one with the higher ego or inner divinity. Gabriel Maimel (‘Gabriel of Water’) is stationed in the west.

Uriel’s (or Auriel’s) name in Hebrew means ‘Light of God’. Specifically, he is the angel or divinity of light – not simply of physical light, but of spiritual illumination. Also referred to as ‘The Angel of Repentance’, he is the angel of terror, prophecy, and mystery. He was sometimes ranked as an archangel with Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael and believed to be the angel who holds the keys to the gates of Hell. He is also often identified as the angel who drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden and was thought to be the messenger sent to warn Noah of the forthcoming floods. As ‘Uriel Aretziel’ (‘Uriel of Earth’) he is stationed in the north. He is often seen rising from the vegetation of the earth holding stems of ripened wheat and wearing robes of citrine, russet, olive, and black.

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