Elemental Alchemy: How Archangels Influence the Natural Elements

Each archangel of the Elements has as his servant one of the kings of the Elemental kingdoms. By tradition, each of the Elements ties in with certain nature spirits, of which the dryads are only one sort. They are:

Raphael has as his servant Paralda, King of the Sylphs, appear to have a clairvoyant vision as a tenuous form made of blue mist always moving and changing shape.

Michael is accompanied by Djinn, King of the Salamanders, who appears as a Fire giant composed of a twisting living flame surrounded by sparks that crackle and glow.

Gabriel’s servant is Nixa, King of the Undines, who is seen as an ever-changing shape, fluid with a greenish-blue aura splashed with silver and grey.

Uriel is served by Ghob, King of the Gnomes, seen traditionally as a gnome or goblin who is squat, heavy, and dense.

You do not necessarily have to call on these Elementals specifically in your rituals, but you should be aware of their energies in that they are the servants of the archangels and not yours.

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