Manifest Your Desires: A Guide to Petitioning the Archangels

This spell uses the higher aspects of the guardians of the directions and petitions the four archangels according to their qualities – Michael for love, Gabriel for strength, Raphael for healing, and Uriel for clarity. Uriel, the ‘light of God’, is represented by the candles. When you perceive a lack of something in your life, petitioning the archangels helps to fulfill it.

Three white candles
Plate on which you have scattered sugar

✤ Stand the candles on the plate with the sugar all around the candles.

✤ Light the candles.

✤ Put the plate and candles in the highest place you can safely reach at home. This signifies the the status we give the archangels.

✤ You may now ask for three wishes from your guardian angels St Raphael, St Michael, and St Gabriel.

✤ You might for instance ask one wish for business, one wish for love, and one wish which seems unlikely to happen.

✤ Bear in mind that you may only petition the archangels if it is really important.

✤ If you like, address each of the archangels by name, or use the same invocation you used in the Essential Ritual. This is protective and protects you from inadvertently making silly mistakes. To remind you, the words are:

Before me Raphael
Behind me Gabriel
On my right hand Michael
On my left hand Uriel
God be thanked.

✤ Let the candles burn right out.
Share this spell with others on the third day (after you requested the wishes) and help to pass on the benefit of your gain. You should use this spell wisely and not make ridiculous requests with it. If what you wish does not happen, accept that it is not right for you to make that wish, and do not repeat the request.

Throughout the preceding sections, various spells have eased you into the world of magic. The information given touches on many subjects and aspects of spelling.

You now have enough knowledge to permit you to develop your magical self. The compendium which follows is only a small selection of the wealth of opportunities available to you.

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