Attracting Love and Positive Relationships: Spells That Work

The majority of people probably first become aware of spell-making in an effort to influence someone else’s feelings in their favor. While strictly this is misuse of energy there is a place for such spells in that they help to make us feel better about ourselves and more confident in dealing with other people. They perhaps influence us as much as other people.

Attracting a New Friend

Working magically can sometimes be a lonely business. However, we do have the means at our disposal to draw people towards us in friendship and love. This spell draws to you a friend rather than a lover – someone of like mind who enjoys the same things that you do. It is best performed during the waxing phase of the Moon.

Three brown candles
Sheet of paper

✤ Light the candles.

✤ On the sheet of paper, write down the attributes you would like your friend to have.

✤ Say each one out loud.

✤ Fold the paper in half twice.

✤ Light the edge of the folded paper from one of the candles and repeat the words below :

With heart and mind, I do now speak
Bring to me the one I seek
Let this paper be the guide
And bring this friend to my side.

Pain and loneliness are no more
Draw a companion to my door.
With pleasures many and sorrows few
Let us build a new friendship.

Let not this simple spell coerce
Or make my situation worse.
As I will, it shall be.

✤ Let the paper burn out then snuff out the candles.

✤ Use these candles only for the same type of spell.

Within the next few weeks, you should meet someone with some or all of the qualities you seek. Remember that you have called this person to you, so you can have the confidence and the time to explore the relationship properly. Never be judgemental about qualities in your new friend that are not ones that you have requested.

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