The Ultimate Garment Spell for Fidelity: Strengthen Your Relationship

This spell uses the combination of nutmeg and intimate garments in a form of sympathetic magic, combined with herbal magic. It is said to keep a partner faithful. It obviously can be done at any time, particularly when you suspect that your partner may be open to temptation.

2 whole nutmegs
A pin or your burin
Wide red ribbon
A pair of your and your partner’s clean underwear
Large white envelope

✤ Carefully scratch with your burin or pin your partner’s initial on one nutmeg and your own on the other.

✤ Tie them together with the ribbon.

✤ Wrap them in the underwear and then place them in the envelope.

✤ Sleep with the envelope under your pillow if your partner is away or you are separated from them.

Nutmeg was at one time the most expensive spice available so one would have to be fairly serious about the relationship to be willing to lock away such an expensive commodity. This spell is probably not to be entered into lightly, nor is it designed to keep someone with you against their will.

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