Boost Your Self-Confidence with this Powerful Spell

In the old days, many people thought that noise was a way of getting rid of demons so it was customary to shout when banishing such nasty things. Today we also recognize that psychologically we can be encouraged by passion, so this is a way of self-encouragement and an appeal to our own ‘inner demons’.

A bell or rattle
Rousing music
Your voice

✤ Preferably choose a time when you will not disturb others and when you will not be disturbed. Choose a short affirmation that expresses your best hopes for yourself.

✤ This might be:

I will survive

✤ or

I can overcome any problem

✤ or

I have the confidence to do anything

✤ or

I am my own best friend

✤ Play your music until you feel uplifted by its mood.

✤ Take up your bell or rattle and dance around the room.

✤ Proclaim your affirmation at the top of your voice at least three times preferably nine.

✤ When the music finishes resolve to do three different things in the next week which demonstrate your newfound confidence.

✤ Each week reaffirm your confidence in the same way, changing the words as necessary.

This spell does seem to have an almost immediate effect. Even if you feel silly at first, having confidence is often about losing your inhibitions, and this is one way that can help. As a support for this, have fun drawing your own particular ‘demon’ even if it is only as a stick figure.

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