Heal Yourself Naturally With The To Cure Sickness Spell

Knot magic is good for getting rid of illnesses; this spell will help to do this. It works on the principle of binding the illness into the cord, so is a form of sympathetic magic combined with positive thought.

•20 cm (8 inch) length of cord

•Pen and paper

•Container of salt

✤ Mark the cord six times so that you have seven equal lengths.

✤ Take a few deep breaths and feel your energy connecting with the earth.

✤ Repeat the following words six times and tie a knot in the cord each time:

Sickness, no one bids you stay.
It’s time for you to fade away.
Through these knots, I bid you leave,
By these words which I do weave.

✤ Put the cord in the container of salt (this represents burying in the earth).

✤ Create a seal for the container with the above incantation written on the paper.

✤ Dispose of the container, perhaps in running water.

The number six has particular relevance here: it is widely accepted as the number of the Sun, which is restorative and regenerative.

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