Creating Your Reality: The Science Behind Wish Spells

It is easy to categorize the granting of wishes as a separate area of spell-making, but, depending on the offering you make, it could be classified as crystal, candle, herbal, or symbolic. Timings and other correspondences can be according to your wish or need.

• Your chosen gift to the Elements, spirits, or deities (this might be an appropriate crystal, plant, rune, or piece of metal)

• A suitable place to make that offering (perhaps a quiet woodland, a running stream, a high place, or in urban areas a park, waterway, or high building)

✤ Before you begin you will need to have given some thought to your wish.

✤ Be very specific in stating what you want otherwise, you may get more than you bargained for.

✤ State your wish clearly and as briefly as possible, addressing your deity or spirit by name or title if you can, for instance:

Pan and spirits of the woodland
Hear now my request
I wish for health, love, and happiness
For [name]

✤ When you make your offering, be
appropriate. For example:

✤ If your wish is for material goods or finance you could use a crystal or coin and bury it to signify the tangibility of your desire.

✤ If your wish has emotional content then you might throw your offering into running water.

✤ If your wish is for knowledge or information then signify this by getting up to a high place and using the currents of air.

✤ You might for instance choose to scatter some plant seeds to help restore the ecological balance.

✤ If choosing to use the Element of Fire outside then be responsible, use only dead wood, and never place your fire close to plants or buildings.

✤ Repeat your wish three times.

✤ This is so that any negative attached to your desire should have dropped away by the third request and by then you will also be more aware of your feelings and whether you want what you are asking for.

Making wishes is a quick way of making things happen within your everyday world, often without having to carry out a full-blown ceremony. As you get to know your capabilities you will be able to take advantage of the moments which are presented to you.

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