Unveiling the Power of the Wealthy Male Partner Attraction Spell

This spell uses symbolism, herbalism, candles, and color to achieve a purpose. The dragon is a symbol of wealth, wisdom, power, and nobility, while ginseng is said to enhance virility. The supposition is that by putting all of them together you create the right vibration for attraction. If performing this the first time, then do it at the time of the New Moon.

•Red candle

•A representation of a dragon (a picture, statue, etc)

•A piece of ginseng root about 3cms long or powdered ginseng

✤ Light your candle.

✤ Pick up the ginseng root or powder and say:

By the power of this Man root
I pray for one to come to me
Strong and brave, wise and astute
Funny and loving to look after me.

✤ Then pick up the dragon symbol and say:

Power of the dragon, strong and true
Hear me now as I call to you
Bring me a man that I can love
And one that I can be proud of.

✤ Place the two objects in front of the candle and allow it to burn out.

✤ When it is done place the representation of the dragon on a high shelf to represent status.

✤ Either keep the ginseng root beside your bed or use the powder as an incense additive until it is used up.

✤ By that time your new man should have arrived.

You can use your form of words to bring the kind of man you want. Be careful though as you may get more than you bargained for. To attract a woman would require more feminine symbols such as a fish or a ladybird, and angelica root instead of ginseng.

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