Unleashing the Power of the Weaving Success Spell

The use of ribbons is an extension of knot magic and is often used in binding or protection spells. However, this one is an unobtrusive way of enhancing the energy of your business as well as ensuring its security. Braiding three strands link us with the triple-aspected Great Mother – Maid, Mother, and Crone.

•Three equal lengths of ribbon:

dark blue for success in long-term plans and clarity

yellow for mental power, wealth, communication, and travel

brown for grounding, stability, and endurance

•A large safety pin

✤ Pin the three ribbons together at the top to make braiding easier.

✤ Braid the ribbons neatly together.

✤ As you do so, repeat the following words as often as you feel is right remembering the significance of the colors:

Great Mother Great Mother
Come to me now
As these strands weave and become one
May this business grow?

✤ Now loop the braid around the front door handle so that anyone who comes into the business must pass it.

You should find that the qualities you have woven into the business begin to bring results very quickly.

Combinations of different colors will have different results; red will bring vitality and willpower, orange success and prosperity through creativity, and yellow communication, mental power, and wealth.

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