Preventing Intrusion into Buildings: The Magic of Protective Spells

In this spell you use visualization and power to create a barrier to protect your home or a place of business. This means that only those who you want to enter do so and anyone else will be driven away. The spell can be reinforced at any time.

• The power of your own mind

✤ Sit in your sacred space and gather your energy until you feel extremely powerful.

✤ In the main doorway to the building, face outwards and visualize a huge wheel in front of you.

✤ Put your hands out in front of you as though grasping the wheel at the positions of twelve o’clock and six o’clock with your left hand on top.

✤ Visualize the energy building up in your hands and forming a ‘light rod’ or laser beam between them.

✤ Bring your hands through 180 degrees so they change position (right hand now on top).

✤ Pause with your hands at nine o’clock and three o’clock and again build up a light rod between them.

✤ As you do so say something like:
Let none with evil intent enter here.

✤ Again feel the energy build up between your hands and say:

May those who would harm us, stay away.

✤ Bring your hands together level with your left hip and ‘throw’ the energy from your hands to create a barrier in front of the door.

This powerful spell should be sufficient to prevent all intrusion, but you could reinforce it by treating all other entrances in the same way and could also visualize small wheels at the windows. You might vary the technique by tracing a banishing pentagram on the door itself.

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