The Ancient Art of Psychometry: Discovering Hidden Connections

STRICTLY DEFINED, PSYCHOMETRY is the ability to link into the vibrations of an object and to read its history. The easiest way to understand this is to accept that, like recording machines, most objects will pick up the emotions and feelings of their owners or wearers. Where there have been several owners of, for example,Continue reading “The Ancient Art of Psychometry: Discovering Hidden Connections”

The Secrets to Becoming a Successful Magician

The art of magic is a captivating and intriguing skill that has fascinated people throughout history. Becoming a successful magician requires more than just learning tricks and performing them flawlessly. It involves developing a unique style, honing your performance skills, and connecting with your audience on a deeper level. In this article, we will exploreContinue reading “The Secrets to Becoming a Successful Magician”

Addressing the Persistence of Poverty in Africa: Proposing Viable Solutions

Despite significant progress made in recent years, poverty remains a pressing issue faced by many African nations. This article aims to explore the reasons why poverty still exists in Africa and highlight potential solutions that can pave the way towards sustained economic growth and social development. 1. Historical Factors:Africa’s history of colonization has had aContinue reading “Addressing the Persistence of Poverty in Africa: Proposing Viable Solutions”

Strategies for Empowering Africa’s Political Landscape and Ensuring Freedom

Introduction:Africa, a continent rich in resources and diverse cultures, has long been grappling with political challenges, including corruption, governance, and freedom. However, with concerted efforts and a collaborative approach, it is possible to improve Africa’s political landscape and promote freedom and opportunity for its people. This article will provide some strategies that can help bringContinue reading “Strategies for Empowering Africa’s Political Landscape and Ensuring Freedom”

Want To Step Up Your ASTROLOGY ? You Need To Read This First

Very early agricultural societies, such as Chinese, Babylonian, and Egyptian, linked the regular movements of the Sun, planets, and stars to the seasons, the rains, and the growth cycles of their crops. Indeed, the principles on which modern astrology is based in the West where laid down around 4,000 years ago in Babylon, present-day south-easternContinue reading “Want To Step Up Your ASTROLOGY ? You Need To Read This First”

To Sense the Natural Spirit of a Place

When entering an area of woodland or to find a site for a ritual, find a place first of all that feels right. It is not possible to describe that feeling, you will simply ‘know’ that it feels good. Then do the following, either individually or, if in a group, as a guided meditation. ✤Continue reading “To Sense the Natural Spirit of a Place”

The Ultimate Guide To ASK THE TREES

Sometimes, when we are troubled or need the answer to a query, it is good to call upon the powers of the trees in one of the following ways. YOU WILL NEED:A fallen twig or piece of barkA burin, used only for working with plant life METHOD:✤ Carve a representation of the problem or aContinue reading “The Ultimate Guide To ASK THE TREES”