Manifest Your Desires: A Guide to Petitioning the Archangels

This spell uses the higher aspects of the guardians of the directions and petitions the four archangels according to their qualities – Michael for love, Gabriel for strength, Raphael for healing, and Uriel for clarity. Uriel, the ‘light of God’, is represented by the candles. When you perceive a lack of something in your life,Continue reading “Manifest Your Desires: A Guide to Petitioning the Archangels”

Elemental Alchemy: How Archangels Influence the Natural Elements

Each archangel of the Elements has as his servant one of the kings of the Elemental kingdoms. By tradition, each of the Elements ties in with certain nature spirits, of which the dryads are only one sort. They are: Air Raphael has as his servant Paralda, King of the Sylphs, appear to have a clairvoyantContinue reading “Elemental Alchemy: How Archangels Influence the Natural Elements”

Embracing Divine Protection: Harnessing the Power of the Archangels

The four archangels can be found in a variety of protective incantations and invocations. Their purpose is to guard the four quarters or cardinal points. They are an almost universal symbol that can turn up in many different aspects, from nursery rhymes to the guardians of the dead. For our purposes, they might be thoughtContinue reading “Embracing Divine Protection: Harnessing the Power of the Archangels”