Harnessing the Power of Spells to Banish Entities and Negative Thoughts

In the realm of spirituality and metaphysics, the presence of unwanted entities and negative thoughts can wreak havoc on one’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Whether you believe in the existence of unseen forces or simply recognize the impact of your thoughts on your reality, the practice of using spells to banish entities and dispelContinue reading “Harnessing the Power of Spells to Banish Entities and Negative Thoughts”


Most herbs can be pulverized either in a pestle and mortar, a coffee grinder, or in a blender to make various powders for specific purposes. In an emergency, you can also use commercially dried spices and blend them yourself. The following powder is designed to get rid of pests, both human and otherwise. It hasContinue reading “Why You Need (A) BANISHING POWDER SPELL”

Witchcraft for Wealth: Rituals to Banish Debt and Attract Prosperity

This particular spell uses candle and incense magic and, if you wish, the art of magical writing. You could choose incense or oil for purification or protection, whichever seems right for you. It is suggested that you perform this at the time of the Waning Moon as this can be used to help take awayContinue reading “Witchcraft for Wealth: Rituals to Banish Debt and Attract Prosperity”

Banish Bad Vibes: The Ultimate Dispersal Spell for Negative Emotions

Here is a simple technique for dealing with negative energies such as anger and resentment. It uses the Elements and their qualities in a very positive way. The circle of light links with the spirit, the dark stone represents Earth, and the water acts in its cleansing capacity. YOU WILL NEED:A dark stone METHOD:✤ VisualizeContinue reading “Banish Bad Vibes: The Ultimate Dispersal Spell for Negative Emotions”

The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram: Exploring its Esoteric Significance

The first part of this ritual, that of the The kabbalistic cross is used by practitioners to open themselves to the powers of the universe and to state that they are present and ready for work. By calling the energy of the universe into the practitioner through the center of his being, the mind, body,Continue reading “The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram: Exploring its Esoteric Significance”

Incense Blends for Banishing, Exorcism and Purification

All the following incenses work on the principle that certain energies need to be banished for the practitioner to work effectively. The creation of peace, purification of the area, and, of course, exorcism of unwanted spirits all come under this heading. Do think very carefully about what you wish to achieve before deciding which incenseContinue reading “Incense Blends for Banishing, Exorcism and Purification”