Mastering the Art of Confident Communication in Social Situations

Charm bags are a very efficient way of carrying reminders which can add extra zest to life. This one is used to help you overcome shyness, perhaps when you are meeting new people or doing something you have never done before. It is done during the Waxing Moon. YOU WILL NEED: A small drawstring bagContinue reading “Mastering the Art of Confident Communication in Social Situations”

The Evolution of Communication: Yoruba’s Historical Letter-Sending Methods

Before the arrival of modern civilization in sending letters manually or electronically, ancient Yorubas in Nigeria had their non-verbal semiotic system of communication known as Aroko. In Yoruba culture, AROKO is a non-verbal semiotic system of communication For Example, sending a broom to someone means – you no longer want to see them in yourContinue reading “The Evolution of Communication: Yoruba’s Historical Letter-Sending Methods”