How to Summon Help from the Elements Spell

This is only one way to summon help from the Elements. You use representations of each Element and address the spirits of each element in turn to seek their assistance. When you have finished your task each element is then honoured by returning it to the earth. YOU WILL NEED:•White candle (to represent Fire) •SmallContinue reading “How to Summon Help from the Elements Spell”

Elemental Alchemy: How Archangels Influence the Natural Elements

Each archangel of the Elements has as his servant one of the kings of the Elemental kingdoms. By tradition, each of the Elements ties in with certain nature spirits, of which the dryads are only one sort. They are: Air Raphael has as his servant Paralda, King of the Sylphs, appear to have a clairvoyantContinue reading “Elemental Alchemy: How Archangels Influence the Natural Elements”

Read This Controversial Article And Find Out More About THE ELEMENTS

The four Elements – Fire, Earth, Air and Water – all play their part in astrology, each influencing in turn, in specific ways, three of the zodiac signs. Fire 🔥 is associated with creativity, with vitality, enthusiasm, excitement, passion, energy, exhibitionism, and having the ability to entertain. Earth 🌐 is the material Element, concerned asContinue reading “Read This Controversial Article And Find Out More About THE ELEMENTS”