Love and Magic Combined: Exploring the ‘To Beckon a Person and To Draw a New Love to You’ Spell

This is a very simple method of putting out a vibration which, if a relationship has a chance of succeeding, will make the other person aware of you. It does not force the other person to do anything but simply paves the way. METHOD: ✤ Say the following: Know I move to you as youContinue reading “Love and Magic Combined: Exploring the ‘To Beckon a Person and To Draw a New Love to You’ Spell”

Open The Gates For MAGIC AND DIVINATION By Using These Simple Tips

Divination and spell working have been inextricably linked since time immortal, and today many people have developed their own ways of working, which are often based on older methods. It is frequently helpful to be able to clarify or enhance your results using more than one method, although it is an old tradition that theContinue reading “Open The Gates For MAGIC AND DIVINATION By Using These Simple Tips”

Cleansing Magic Mirrors

Like crystals, mirrors store information. Anything reflected within a mirror, particularly over an extended time, is stored within and may be accessed. Cleansing a magic mirror is like clearing your computer files – the mirror’s memory is removed by cleansing, which allows a fresh start. Cleansing is particularly important if you’re planning to use anContinue reading “Cleansing Magic Mirrors”

Enhancing your magic

Crystals and stones are gifts from nature and as mentioned above can also be used to enhance your rituals and magic. They can become sacred, magical tools in their own right. When consecrating a circle, creating your sacred space, or making a shrine, you may like to search out stones that can represent the Elements,Continue reading “Enhancing your magic”