Kabbalah and Personal Transformation: Harnessing Spiritual Energy

There are certain procedures that most practitioners are prepared to acquire works, on an individual level which can also be used in group work. Whether you work in a Kabbalistic manner, are Wiccan/Pagan or are simply interested in enhancing your magical working, certain techniques will be fundamental to your practice and will soon become secondContinue reading “Kabbalah and Personal Transformation: Harnessing Spiritual Energy”

Eclectic Wicca: Embracing Diversity in Wiccan Practices

The main traditions and beliefs in the craft include Gardnerian Wicca, Alexandrian Wicca, Dianic Wicca, the Faery tradition, has many branches of Celtic-based Wicca and other forms, which are often called Eclectic Wicca. Wiccans draw their practices and information from many different sources. They may call themselves witches. Wiccans accept that everything emanates from theContinue reading “Eclectic Wicca: Embracing Diversity in Wiccan Practices”

The History of Witchcraft and Wiccaa: From Ancient Times to Modern Practice

The roots of witchcraft are just as ancient as the roots of voodoo. Like voodoo, ‘The Craft’ or witchcraft should never be confused with Satanism, the outright worship of Satan. The truth has nothing to do with such worship, even though there are some Satanists who will, wrongfully, call themselves a ‘witch’. Wicca is theContinue reading “The History of Witchcraft and Wiccaa: From Ancient Times to Modern Practice”