Revealed: The Deep-rooted Meaning Behind Burying a Baby’s Placenta in Yoruba Tradition

Placenta burial holds profound cultural significance in Yoruba tradition, reflecting a deep connection to ancestral roots and spiritual beliefs. This age-old practice, intricately woven into the fabric of Yoruba culture, serves as a symbolic ritual that transcends generations. Understanding the reasons behind the burying of a placenta in Yoruba land unveils a rich tapestry ofContinue reading “Revealed: The Deep-rooted Meaning Behind Burying a Baby’s Placenta in Yoruba Tradition”

The Evolution of Communication: Yoruba’s Historical Letter-Sending Methods

Before the arrival of modern civilization in sending letters manually or electronically, ancient Yorubas in Nigeria had their non-verbal semiotic system of communication known as Aroko. In Yoruba culture, AROKO is a non-verbal semiotic system of communication For Example, sending a broom to someone means – you no longer want to see them in yourContinue reading “The Evolution of Communication: Yoruba’s Historical Letter-Sending Methods”