Paganism and Magic: Unveiling the Mysteries of Spellcasting

The term ‘paganism’ was often used in a the derogatory way by the early Christians.

It is this that gives a clue to the real beliefs held by the original pagan people, for in the early days they would believe implicitly in the power of the earth and the blessings of the sun. Their lives were ruled by the vagaries of the seasons and they developed their ways of placating and supplicating the powers, which they perceived as much mightier than themselves.

Whether they called these powers gods or spirits did not matter; it was important that they developed a relationship with them.

Sometimes the powers could be tamed, sometimes they were made angry and would not co-operate. There were times when one power could be called upon to intercede on a person’s behalf, and other times when one must accept the fate meted out.

There are many forms of paganism, although the most relevant form of paganism to practitioners of magic today are probably neo-paganists. In their attempts to reconnect with nature, neo-pagans often use the ancient forms of imagery and ritual to get the best from their spell working but adjust them so that they are more relevant to the needs of modern people.

The next section is a rather eclectic mix of information is drawn from many sources, which will allow you to form your own opinion as to your most efficient and advantageous way of working. Whether having done so you wish to call yourself pagan is, naturally, up to you.

Spells Preparation

Once you have a clear idea of what magic and spells entail, you will want to perform them under the best possible conditions. There are many ways of doing this, and this section gives you clear instructions on which you can base your own individual practice.

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