The Ultimate Guide to Casting a Powerful Rift Healing Spell

This spell is a Romany one which works on the principle of making two things one. The apple always has been a symbol of love, and pins are a symbol of industriousness denoting the effort that must be put into the relationship.

A fresh apple
Clean sheet of white paper
2 pins, cocktail sticks, or twigs

✤ Cut the apple in half.

✤ Tradition says it is helpful, but not vital if the seeds stay whole. If they don’t, reconciliation may simply be a little bit more difficult to bring about.

✤ Write the woman’s full name on the paper.

Next to it, write the man’s. Ensure that the space taken up by the names doesn’t exceed the width of the halved apple.

✤ Cut out the names. Place the paper with the names between the two halves of the apple.

✤ Visualize the marriage or relationship being healed.

✤ Skewer the apple halves together, inserting the pins or twigs diagonally from right to left and then vice versa.

✤ If you are healing your relationship, send your love to the person concerned and ask to receive their love in return.

✤ If it is for someone else then visualize the couple surrounded by a pink cloud or aura in a loving embrace.

Divorce is disliked among the Romans even today.

When action is required to heal a seemingly irreparable rift, this spell can begin a process of reconciliation. To finish off the spell, Romanies use their campfire to bake the apple until it appears whole.

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