Casting a Spell for Commitment: The Fidelity Charm in Practice

This spell uses the Elements combined with herbal magic. It is an old spell and comes from a time when every spell-maker would use what was easily available to them. The best time for performing this spell is around the time of the New Moon.

6 large ivy leaves (gathered at the time of the

New Moon)


Granular rose or jasmine love incense

A container suitable for burning the ivy leaves

✤ Using the burin inscribe one word of the following phrase on each leaf:

Keep my true love with me

✤ Light the incense and in the container burn the inscribed leaves in the correct order of speech.

✤ Whilst you are doing this, say:

Goddess of love, God of desire,
Bring to me fidelity.

✤ The above uses the Element of Fire. To use Water casts the leaves into a stream or other flowing water and say:

The message of love, I set you free

To capture love and return it to me.

Ivy highlights the quality of fidelity. You should not use this spell if you are not prepared to offer fidelity in return.

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