Attracting Your Soulmate: A Guide to Bring Someone into Your Life Spell

This spell can be used to attract love towards you or to draw a companion closer. It should be started on the night of a New Moon. It is representational in that the cruet set suggests a pairing, and also uses colour.

Salt shaker

Pepper shaker (or two objects that make a pair)

A length of pink ribbon about one meter long

✤ Assign one article to the feminine person and one to the masculine.

✤ Take the piece of pink ribbon, and tie the female object to one end and the male to the other, leaving a good length of ribbon between them.

✤ Every morning untie the ribbon, move the objects a little closer together, and retie the knots.

✤ Eventually the objects will touch.

✤ Leave them bound together for seven days before untying them.

✤ By this time, love should have entered your life.

Several spells make use of the idea that two people must travel along a set path. This one is used to signify the path of love. It also suggests in the tying and untying of the ribbon the freedoms there are in the relationship.

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