Healing Warts Naturally: A Holistic Approach to Better Skin Health

The subtle energies that come together to give each person their unique makeup are very precious and can be conserved and enhanced. We as spell workers have a responsibility to make ourselves as healthy and whole as possible and in so doing can also help others to overcome problems and difficulties.

We learn to appeal to a universal energy and its various parts to help the world go round a little more easily.

To get Rid of Warts

Warts have been said to be the mark of magic so you may wear yours with pride! If you find them unsightly then try this simple, safe spell from folklore. Ideally done at the time of the Waning Moon, this spell involves no pain and should not leave any trace of the wart.

Higher vibration incense such as sandalwood

The coin for each wart (ideally it should be a copper coin that you have had for a while)

Spade or trowel

✤ Light the incense.

✤ Prepare your coin by holding it in the incense smoke for no more than half a minute.

✤ Charge the coin with your energy.

✤ Rub the coin on the wart saying these words in your head for as long as you feel is needed:

Blemish begone, do not return
Leave no scar mark or burn.

✤ Visualize the wart transferring to the coin.

✤ When this is done bury the coin in the earth, this time saying the above words out loud.

✤ Forget about the coin and within a calendar month the wart should be gone.

This spell can be done on others. Modern-day medicines can be harsh and wart remedies that burn them off usually burn the skin as well.

Children especially may find the burning of warts uncomfortable and this is a safe alternative that can be fun to try.

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