Sorcery for Health: The Ultimate Wishing Spell

This spell worked at the time of the New Moon and is incredibly simple to do. Bay leaves possess a great deal of magical power and are used for granting wishes. This spell can be used to fulfill a range of desires, and here is used to bring about health and happiness.

3 bay leaves
Piece of paper
Pencil or pen

✤ During a New Moon, write your wish on a piece of paper and visualize it coming true.

✤ Fold the paper into thirds, placing the three bay leaves inside.

✤ Fold the paper towards you.

✤ Again visualize your wish coming true.

✤ Fold the paper into thirds a second time, thus forming an envelope.

✤ Keep it hidden in a dark place.

✤ Reinforce your wish by repeatedly visualizing it coming true.

✤ When the wish comes true, burn the paper as a mark of thanks.

This little envelope of power can also be included in a mojo or talisman bag to add more power to it. In that case try to be as specific as you can in your wish. You can, using it this way, impose a time limit on the spell coming to fruition, though it is often better not to do so.

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