Heal, Connect, Transform: The Magic of Healing Others

This is a spell using crystals, candles, and incense.

It is also representational in that you use the paper to represent the person you are healing. If you use an altar and then work with that, but the spell can also be completed by recognizing that the space between the candles is sacred.

•3 candles:
Blue for healing
White for power
Pink for love

•Healing incense (1 part allspice, 1 part rosemary)

•Paper with the name of the person you wish to be healed

•Clear quartz crystal

✤ Place the candles on the altar or in your sacred space in a semi-circle, with the white candle in the middle.

✤ Place the incense on the left if the recipient is a woman, and on the right if male. Light the incense.

✤ Place the paper with the person’s name in the center.

✤ Put the quartz crystal on top of the paper.

✤ Be aware of your energy linking with whatever you consider to be the Divine.

✤ Breathe in the incense and feel your energy increasing.

✤ When you feel ready, release the energy.

✤ Imagine it passing through the crystal – which enhances it – to the recipient.

✤ As you are doing this, say:

[Name] be healed by the gift of this Power

Remember that healing energy is used by the recipient in whatever way is appropriate to them. A physical condition may not necessarily be healed, but you may have started an overall healing process.

Often the person is given the emotional strength to withstand their trials and tribulations so that an inner healing occurs.

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