Ignite Your Magic: The Midsummer Fire Spell Ritual

Ancient rites dictated that domesticated animals were driven through fire both to cleanse and protect them on Midsummer Day.

On a practical level, this would get rid of any infestation of bugs and fleas, but on a magical level, such action would ensure fertility and good harvest. It does humans no harm to partake in this ritual either.

Enough sacred wood (Hazel and Rowan perhaps) to build two small fires

✤ Build two fires with only a small walkway between them.

✤ When the fires are going well lead your animals between them making sure that the animals and you are wreathed in smoke.

✤ If possible you might do this twice more.

✤ Make sure the fires are properly extinguished before leaving the area, lest you do any damage to surrounding vegetation.

✤ A different way of achieving the same purpose is to take a lit branch of sacred wood and pass it over around and underneath the animal.

✤ This is a form of ‘smudging’ but you will probably need help to keep the animal still.

Remembering that in an agricultural society the health of the animals was just as important – if not more important than – their owners, many protective rituals can be adapted for today’s society. Water with the appropriate essential oils could be used instead of the fire branch to protect pets.

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