Empowerment Enchantment: Boosting Self-Esteem with Magic

This spell uses visualization, candles, cords, and color, and requires very little effort, though it takes a week to finish. It is a spell that men can do very easily and can see and feel the tangible results. It works on self-esteem and virility.

• Seven short lengths of cord, about six inches long

• Seven tea lights

• Seven small squares of red paper or cloth

✤ On returning from work, place a tea light on one red square.

✤ Surround the tea light by the cord, laying it on the red square.

✤ As you do so say:

This represents me and all I feel myself to be
I wish to be [ strong, virile, and at ease with myself – your choice of words]

✤ Let the tealight burn out.

✤ Next morning knot both ends of the cord saying as you do:

This cord carries my intent to be
[your choice of words]

✤ Carry the cord with you and when you need to, remind yourself during the day of your intent.

✤ Repeat the procedure for seven nights using the same words and either the same intent or another which feels more appropriate.

✤ Repeat the same procedure as the first morning also.

✤ At the end of the seven days either tie the cords together in one loop (end to end) or tie them so they form a tassel.

✤ Either way hang them by your mirror where you cannot fail to see them.

✤ Each morning for about six weeks choose which affirmation you wish to use that day and make sure you have acted accordingly.

This spell has a long-term effect on your personality.

Each time you make the morning affirmation you are calling on the power of the whole to assist you in being the sort of person you want to be. Any behavior that does not fit that image soon drops away.

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