Harnessing the Power of Patience: A Guide to Slowing Down Situations

When things are happening too fast and we feel that life is running away with us it is possible to slow things down. For this, we use the power of Saturn and his control of time coupled with the idea that if something is frozen it allows us time to think and consider our actions. We simply make use of everyday articles which are easily available.


•Black Pen and ink

•Your freezer

✤ On the front of the paper either write a few words about, or draw a representation of, the the situation you feel is moving too fast.

✤ On the back of the paper draw the symbol for Saturn.

✤ Pop the paper into your freezer or ice-making compartment and leave it until you feel you can handle your problem again.

✤ Tear the paper into small pieces and flush away or burn it safely.

This spell is similar to ‘Freeze Out’ except that we use the power of Saturn, the Roman god of Time and agriculture. By using the freezer we are bringing this spell up to date and utilizing the idea of solidifying something rather than allowing it to flow.

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