Accelerate Your Spells: A Guide to Speeding Up Happening Magic

Sometimes we find ourselves in a situation that is not happening quickly enough for us, such as a business deal or house purchase. We can then use our knowledge of colour herbs and spices to speed things up. We may not always know what other circumstances surround the problem, so it is wise to bear in mind the words ‘if it is right’ or ‘An it harm no-one’.

•Red candle

•Fast luck incense

•Cinnamon powder

•Papers associated with, or representative of, the problem

✤ Sprinkle each of the papers with cinnamon powder.

✤ Arrange in a pile.

✤ Place the candle on top of the papers.

✤ As you do this repeat the following words three times:

Time passed, time fast
Let this [event] happen

✤ Light the incense and the candle and allow them to burn out.

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