Casting a Spell for Commitment: The Fidelity Charm in Practice

This spell uses the Elements combined with herbal magic. It is an old spell and comes from a time when every spell-maker would use what was easily available to them. The best time for performing this spell is around the time of the New Moon. YOU WILL NEED: 6 large ivy leaves (gathered at theContinue reading “Casting a Spell for Commitment: The Fidelity Charm in Practice”

The Ultimate Garment Spell for Fidelity: Strengthen Your Relationship

This spell uses the combination of nutmeg and intimate garments in a form of sympathetic magic, combined with herbal magic. It is said to keep a partner faithful. It obviously can be done at any time, particularly when you suspect that your partner may be open to temptation. YOU WILL NEED: 2 whole nutmegs AContinue reading “The Ultimate Garment Spell for Fidelity: Strengthen Your Relationship”