Ignite Your Magic: The Midsummer Fire Spell Ritual

Ancient rites dictated that domesticated animals were driven through fire both to cleanse and protect them on Midsummer Day. On a practical level, this would get rid of any infestation of bugs and fleas, but on a magical level, such action would ensure fertility and good harvest. It does humans no harm to partake inContinue reading “Ignite Your Magic: The Midsummer Fire Spell Ritual”

The Power of Equilibrium: A Ritual for Balancing Energies

This spell principally uses the energy of the earth and candles. The spell can be performed either during the day if you particularly appreciate the light, or at night when you honor the Moon. Often it is good to perform it outside as an appreciation of energy returning to the earth. YOU WILL NEED:• FreshContinue reading “The Power of Equilibrium: A Ritual for Balancing Energies”

Cleansing Rituals: The Power of the Purifying Emotions Spell

This spell helps you to release negativity and distress that may build up when you do not feel that you are in control of your life. It uses the four Elements to do this and may be performed on any evening during a Waning Moon. It has been kept deliberately simple so that you canContinue reading “Cleansing Rituals: The Power of the Purifying Emotions Spell”

The Power of Rituals: Enhancing Group Dynamics in the Workplace

Rather than working as a solitary practitioner, many people will seek a community of like-minded individuals on the basis that their powers are thus enhanced. The method of group working is given here, although it is very easy to adjust this for work on an individual basis. The rituals used for The group represents aContinue reading “The Power of Rituals: Enhancing Group Dynamics in the Workplace”

The Science Behind Rituals and Their Impact on Your Life

METHOD: ✤ Facing east, using the extended fingers, trace a large pentagram with a point up, starting at your left hip, up to just above your forehead, centered on your body, then down to your right hip, up and to your left shoulder, across to the right shoulder and down to the starting point inContinue reading “The Science Behind Rituals and Their Impact on Your Life”

The Importance of Following Ritual Protocols: A Deep Dive

The trainee magician finds it hard to admit that their rituals do not always work out, they often because there is too much personal or emotional investment or because the ritual has not been properly understood. Sometimes nothing appears to happen or does not happen at the expected time; sometimes there are unexpected side effects;Continue reading “The Importance of Following Ritual Protocols: A Deep Dive”

The Art of A Ritual of Gestures: Meaning, Symbolism, and Practice

This very simple ritual acknowledges the four ‘directions’ and the Elements they rule. It is used to help raise the energy in any particular spot, in preparation for spells and magical workings. It needs a little special knowledge, and all you need to remember is that the Goddess represents the feminine principle and the HornedContinue reading “The Art of A Ritual of Gestures: Meaning, Symbolism, and Practice”

The Use of Magical Oils in Hoodoo, Prayer, and Spellwork

At various points in the teaching, you will read of the many oils that can be utilized as adjuncts to the various types of magic. They are an easy way of using plants in magical workings, particularly when space is at a premium. Below are some oils that should be part of every magical practitioner’sContinue reading “The Use of Magical Oils in Hoodoo, Prayer, and Spellwork”

A Venus Ritual for Beauty

The goddess Venus is the goddess of beauty and the planet Venus – the brightest object in the sky other than the Sun and the Moon – is known as both the Morning and the Evening Star, this spell is best performed either in the morning or in the evening or both. Venus’ mirror wasContinue reading “A Venus Ritual for Beauty”