The Power of Proxy Healing: A Spell for Someone Else

There is a whole art in knot tying which actually arose among the Celtic people and later became an illustrative art. If you are able to do it the reef knot – beloved of scouts and woodcrafters – is the ideal knot for this spell, since it will not come undone. Tying a knot canContinue reading “The Power of Proxy Healing: A Spell for Someone Else”

Heal Yourself Naturally With The To Cure Sickness Spell

Knot magic is good for getting rid of illnesses; this spell will help to do this. It works on the principle of binding the illness into the cord, so is a form of sympathetic magic combined with positive thought. YOU WILL NEED:•20 cm (8 inch) length of cord •Pen and paper •Container of salt METHOD:✤Continue reading “Heal Yourself Naturally With The To Cure Sickness Spell”

Heal, Connect, Transform: The Magic of Healing Others

This is a spell using crystals, candles, and incense. It is also representational in that you use the paper to represent the person you are healing. If you use an altar and then work with that, but the spell can also be completed by recognizing that the space between the candles is sacred. YOU WILLContinue reading “Heal, Connect, Transform: The Magic of Healing Others”

Magical Remedies: Spells for Healing the Body

This spell works on a simple principle, that of identifying within the body whether the pain it is suffering physical, emotional, or, as is often the case has a more deep-rooted spiritual component. It uses visualization and color as its vehicles and calls on Raphael the Archangel of Healing for help. YOU WILL NEED: AContinue reading “Magical Remedies: Spells for Healing the Body”

Harnessing the Power of Medication: A Healing Spell

As you begin to understand color correspondences, you can begin to use them in spells to keep you well. Many people have to take medication of one sort or another and this spell helps to enhance the action of your particular one. It does mean that you must take your medication at the times givenContinue reading “Harnessing the Power of Medication: A Healing Spell”

Healing Warts Naturally: A Holistic Approach to Better Skin Health

The subtle energies that come together to give each person their unique makeup are very precious and can be conserved and enhanced. We as spell workers have a responsibility to make ourselves as healthy and whole as possible and in so doing can also help others to overcome problems and difficulties. We learn to appealContinue reading “Healing Warts Naturally: A Holistic Approach to Better Skin Health”

The Healing Powers of a Broken Heart spell

This spell contains many of the types of magic normally used in spells. There is a candle, herbal and plant magic as well as representational. It is designed to make you feel better rather than affect anyone else. YOU WILL NEED: 1 strawberry tea bag A small wand or stick from a willow tree SeaContinue reading “The Healing Powers of a Broken Heart spell”

How To Make Physical and Emotional Health andHealing Incense

Any incense used for health and healing should only be used as an adjunct to other methods. If you are prepared to use incense in this way, you will probably have an awareness of alternative healing methods anyway, but they cannot – and should never – be used as substitutes for proper medical advice. ManyContinue reading “How To Make Physical and Emotional Health andHealing Incense”